Tuesday, February 26, 2013

40 Days with Jesus: Cultivating Habits of the Heart (Everyday Theology Series Book 2) (Kindle Edition)

40 Days with Jesus: Cultivating Habits of the Heart (Everyday Theology Series Book 2)
40 Days with Jesus: Cultivating Habits of the Heart (Everyday Theology Series Book 2) (Kindle Edition)
By Ryan J. Pelton

Review & Description

40 Days with Jesus is an introduction to the spiritual disciplines/habits necessary to grow in intimacy with God. Habits such as Bible reading, prayer, evangelism, repentance, worship, and service.

Many people bemoan that their spiritual lives seem dry and empty. It does not have to be this way. God has given us spiritual means - to find a way out of the desert into the waters of God's grace.

40 Days with Jesus, exists to answer such questions as: How does spiritual growth happen? What can hurt our spiritual growth? What practices has God given us to grow spiritually? How is intimacy with God possible? How can we love our neighbors? How can we make a difference in the world? Who is Jesus?

What could happen if we took 40 days to walk with Jesus by using the spiritual habits? What might we learn? What might change in us?

Spiritual maturity is slow and a life long process.Take 40 days and discover the God who made you, loves you, died for you, and wants you to grow to be more like Him. Read more

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