Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Matter of Faith (Kindle Edition)

A Matter of Faith
A Matter of Faith (Kindle Edition)
By Carol Round

Buy new: $2.99
Customer Rating: 5.0

First tagged by Carol Ann
Customer tags: christian spirituality(2), christian inspirational(2), god(2), bible(2), inspirational(2), jesus(2), christianity(2), prayer(2), devotional(2), christian life(2), faith(2), christian living(2)

Review & Description

“Your words are appreciated and your authenticity profound. Keep sharing your conversations with God with us.” --Cheryl LaFortune

“I read your columns every Friday in our newspaper and I love them. They always relate to me in one way or another.” -- Ceanne Brunk

“Carol ...such a powerful message in a very confused hurting world. God bless you!” --Jennifer Kirby

“Your writing style reminds me of Ruth Bell Graham, and how she could write about God in the everyday events of life, and have so much insight. I pray you will continue to write and be a blessing to others.” --Jan K. Reeder

“. . .and thank you, Carol for the inspirational articles published in the newspaper. You are gifted by God.” --Dr. Ray Crawford, pastor Claremore FUMC

Carol Round is a columnist, book author, former high school teacher, professional photographer and freelance writer. However, her favorite role is that of “Nana,” the name given her by grandchildren, Cheyenne and Brennan.

In this collection of her faith-based columns, Carol uses everyday experiences to inspire her readers to seek a deeper relationship with the Lord. Her weekly faith-based column is currently available in eleven Oklahoma newspapers and one national publication with a circulation of 200,000+.
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