Friday, January 4, 2013

One year home based bible study course Vol I (Kindle Edition)

One year home based bible study course Vol I
One year home based bible study course Vol I (Kindle Edition)
By Henry Epps

Review & Description

This is part of a basic series of teachings on christian principles, that will richly enhance your life!Among, the treasures of our inheritance in Christ this is one of the richest. How many have never studied it, to love it and delight in it, and get the full blessing of it! May God, by His Holy Spirit, reveal its glory, and make us partakers of its power.
You are familiar with the blessed truth of justification by faith. In the section of the Epistle to the Romans preceding our passage (3:21-5:11) Paul had taught what its ever-blessed foundation was—the atonement of the blood of Christ; what its way and condition—faith in the free grace of a God who justifies the ungodly; and what its blessed fruits—the bestowment of the righteousness of Christ, with an immediate access into the favor of God, and the hope of glory. In our passage, he now proceeds to unfold the deeper truth of the union with Christ by faith, in which justification has its root, and which makes it possible and right for God to accept us for His sake. Paul goes back to Adam and our union with him, with all the consequences that flowed from that union, to prove how reasonable, how perfectly natural (in the higher sense of the word) it is that those who receive Christ by faith, and are so united with Him, become partakers of His righteousness and His life. It is in this argument that he specially emphasizes the contrast between the disobedience of Adam, with the condemnation and death it wrought, and the obedience of Christ, with the righteousness and life it brings. As we study the place the obedience of Christ takes in His work for our salvation, and see in it the very root of our redemption, we shall know what place to give it in our heart and life. Read more

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