Monday, December 17, 2012

The Heart of a Golfer (Hardcover)

The Heart of a Golfer
The Heart of a Golfer (Hardcover)
By Frank Martin

62 used and new from $0.01
Customer Rating: 4.0

First tagged by maxies_books
Customer tags: god and gold, golf book, wally armstrong, golf, christian life, golfers

Review & Description

This is a book for the man or woman who loves God and golf. In these pages, you’ll discover how the two go together. Because without question, golf is a game filled with parallels to the Christian life—and as you’ll see, Wally Armstrong knows how to help you fine-tune your approach so that, whether on the links or in life, you’re always improving.

Inside are a few of the things Armstrong has learned at God’s lesson tee. “It’s a collection,” he says, “of stories and anecdotes from my many years in golf, each used in some way by God to bring home a truth about life, faith, relationships, and my walk with Christ in general.” In The Heart of a Golfer, Armstrong offers thirty-six “lessons” covering different aspects of life’s game: the fundamentals, swing mechanics, course management, mental agility, the spirit of the game, and giving back to the game.

Are you eager to shave off a few points on God’s golf course? Then step up to the tee and let the lessons begin. Read more

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