Monday, December 24, 2012

The Just Shall Live by Faith, (All Others Pay Tithes) (Kindle Edition)

The Just Shall Live by Faith, (All Others Pay Tithes)
The Just Shall Live by Faith, (All Others Pay Tithes) (Kindle Edition)
By Peter Sims

Review & Description

Are you tired of giving your hard earned finances to a church or an organization that promises you the moon and you only receive ashes? Are you concerned about the continual begging, pleading and crying from the pulpit about the needs of the church? Do you continually sit thru sermon after sermon where you are threatened with a curse if you do not tithe?
Learn about the deception that is preached concerning the tithe, the traditions of man that corrupt the truth, and exactly what the early church received from Christ about giving. You will be astounded when you read the scriptures for yourself and see the rules and regulations that were or were not given to the early believers. This little book, like all truths, will either set you free or cause you to burn with rage. If you are religious, you will hate it. If you are seeking the truth, you will love every page.
The voice of Martin Luther shouts through out this book, "Set My People Free". Read more

Find out More for the best price at Amazon

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